Don’t forget

  1. Get your steps tracker working so you can count your steps for the day and see just how far you travel.
  2. Download a copy of the exhibition layout before you go. This will help you plan your route and spend your time most effectively.
  3. On the exhibition list look at:
    • Who you’ve worked with already, and who your contacts are that are linked to that company. Also make sure you know what projects you’ve worked on with them.
    • Who you’d like to work with (including new members of staff of companies you already work with)
    • Do your background research into new companies, so you can speak knowledgeably about what they do. It will win you brownie points.
  4. When you get to the exhibition, pick up any leaflets showing where everyone is or use your exhibition layout to orientate yourself. I always go for a coffee first, to sit and take in the atmosphere and work out where to start. Taking this breather really helps make you calm and collected and a better person to chat to.
  5. When on the stand make sure you:
    • Use your time to make friends, use a conversational tone and let the conversation go where it wants
    • Be mindful that the person you are speaking to will be having the same repeated conversation throughout the day. Don’t take up too much of their time with idle chit chat, make every word count
    • Towards the close of your conversation, give your new contact a physical business card.
    • Ask for their business card. If they don’t have one, ask for their full name and email address – then when you get back to the office, link in with them, with a message saying how you met.
    • Tell them when you will send them an email, so they know it will be coming on X day
    • Pop to see people you already work with and talk to them about the projects you’ve done together
    • Remember that the exhibitors have spent a great deal of time and money crafting and developing their stand and merchandise, so ask them what they are hoping to achieve by exhibiting at the event. Can you help them achieve their goal in any way?
  6. Remember, people exhibiting will be bombarded with people like you, so when you contact them after the event, try and give some information on what you talked about on the stand, to help jog their memory.
  7. Don’t go just for the freebies, however enticing they may be. If you’re offered freebies and you want them, accept them graciously.
  8. Send a follow up email with your company’s services and any other marketing material that might be of interest.
  9. If you don’t hear from your contact, contact them again in a few weeks, once all the mayhem has calmed down and they’re back to their day job.
  10. Remember to post as soon as possible on social media about what you got out of the exhibition. Try adding content that no one else would add, your unique viewpoint, for interest, as so many people will be doing the same thing. Tag in the people you’ve met so that they will remember who you are.

A final thought

Finally, remember to enjoy your time out of the office and away from your usual day-to-day work. Exhibitions have a valuable part to play in your business development success.