Machine control enables seamless communication between a 3D digital model uploaded to the computer system and its different receivers. These receivers can include equipment such as bulldozers and excavators fitted with computers, and buckets and blades equipped with GPS devices.
Referenced to GPS coordinates, the 3D model enables a more efficient, cost-effective, and accurate machine control on site when preparing the ground for curb lines, drainage and building positions. It is uploaded to the on-board computers of the vehicles, which are then able to interact with the machinery controls. As the machine moves, the GPS documents its real-time positioning. The computer can automatically adjust the buckets or blades to the required surface elevations or excavation depths.
We have worked with the team at Powers in the past and know that the company provides a thorough and professional service. These surveys are very important to our work, as the more information we have, the better the plans that we produce are. Information like the location and depth of different utilities, and the materials that they are made from, all help inform the final designs.
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