Highly accurate cut and fill calculation of earthworks can be determined using ground modelling and volumetrics. This can be used to support the design process of landscape regeneration. Ground modelling turns a topographical survey, with levels and heights, into a 3D contoured or triangulated map. This provides a visual representation of the shape of the site measured.
Before any ground breaking activities, an initial level survey of the site should be completed in order to obtain accurate Original Ground Survey (OGL) data. Following processing, a digital terrain model (DTM) of the site is created, which can be used as the basis for all further surveys and volume computations. Additional surveys can be conducted at various milestones throughout the project to provide updated 3D digital models that can be compared to the OGL to determine the volume excavated or filled.
Useful in earthworks projects, state-of-the-art software enables different planes of the site to be viewed. Volumetrics is the process by which cubic metres of land/material mass can be calculated to create a desired outcome – for example, providing accurate areas of volumes for cut/fill balancing, or creating a mound or depression in the land to suit your design needs.
Powers provided us with comprehensive and accurate topographical surveys, on what was an extremely complex area. The information contained in these surveys, including the elevations details, all help us understand the area – and how it can be successfully transformed for future generations – as part of the regeneration project.
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