Accurate measured viewpoints provide a visual representation, with precision positioning of buildings in a cityscape. They are increasingly being requested by planning authorities to help improve understanding of the impact of a project within the current landscape or skyline.
Using photography and hi-tech precision equipment, our team can exactly pinpoint where a building will be placed within an urban setting. This level of accuracy enables the architect to clearly communicate their designs to planning teams. This makes it easier to understand and reliably assess the new building in its true context.
As the contracts Manager for MC Construction, I’m responsible for overseeing several sites and schemes at once, and I am also involved in the design development. For MC Construction to be able to help Royal Mail develop this existing site, we needed a lot of vital underground information on the location. Powers were able to provide us with an underground utility survey, that was clear and accurate, enabling us to be able to place the Hydrobrake in the most efficient position and excavate the car park, without putting our team and others in danger.
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