Levels of detail

At Powers, we have over 50 years of experience of working on all kinds of projects. Not just construction projects, but also engineering, scientific and environmental. When you are in the early stages of a project, our skilled team at Powers can work with you to ensure that we are surveying exactly what you need. Providing you with not too much detail, but not too little either. As you would expect, the more detail that is required to be included, the more complex the project and therefore, the more costly it is. This should be factored in when it comes to budgeting. For example, topographic surveys and underground utility trace surveys are very much part of the pre-construction phase.

We provide accurate, hi-tech, high-precision topographical and subterranean data. This can be analysed and interpreted into 2D and 3D plans or models. But we have to know the scope of what’s required to fully deliver our best service.

Defined parameters

When deciding the aims and extent of a project, it’s crucial to define its parameters. Powers asks its clients to think about exactly what they are using the data for. Is the specification fit for purpose, with regards to the end use of the collected data? Other factors clients need to consider are the extent of the area the survey needs to cover and any deadlines of when it needs to be completed by. Powers provides a standard specification, which the survey team uses to capture data. It is worth using this as the starting point when designing a survey specification. Adding in anything that is required or taking away anything that isn’t. All too often assumptions are made as to what information will be picked up. Disappointment can ensue, when the drawings and models are reviewed and found lacking, or essential markings are not made on site.

The scope of the project will also decide what equipment will be required, from 3D laser equipment at surface level, to drones in the sky and ground penetrating radar for below. Data gathered will also be used by multiple parties and professionals – designers, planners, managers, coordinators – in terms of collaboration and decision-making. Who is involved should also be factored into the project, as this will define what format – digital, 2D or 3D, physical copy – is required in for the final version.

Data delivery

While time spent on site is essential for any project, much goes on behind the scenes too. In fact, although the gathering of data is essential and time-consuming, it is a lesser proportion of the entire process. What remains unseen to the client, in addition to the on site visits, is the processing of the data back in the office. Data capture and processing are labour-intensive, which also has a cost against it. Again, this should be recognised when budgeting a project.

With new technology development, the speed of data acquisition is improving all the time. It can be further optimised by using the right equipment or technology for the task assigned. Having a survey company like Powers involved in the preliminary stages of a project, at the earliest opportunity, will ensure it is accurate and relevant – right from the start. If we have a greater understanding of the survey project end goals, we can provide advice on what our clients actually need. Also, if we have plenty of advance warning of the project, we can plan ahead of time and close out any risks to ensure the survey specification meets our clients’ conditions.

If you have a project that you would like us to carry out a survey for or would like guidance on what type and scope of survey your project requires, then contact us today – the earlier the better.