As-built surveys – a timeless, permanent record

Also known as ‘As Constructed’ surveys, this type of survey is usually produced at the end of a construction phase or when construction is complete. They are a definitive record of where buildings and other permanent features such as roads, pavements, walls and other aspects have been built. However, they can also be carried out …

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Powering on: 50 years of geospatial surveying

Early days “Eric Tiltman set up the original business known as EVE Tiltman. He was an engineering surveyor and my father, Mike Powers had worked with Eric on a few projects in the late 60s early 70s . Eric began to take on some larger projects and approached Mike to partner up with him. Mike and …

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Inside out – interior surveying tasks

Interior designs When it comes to a new-build construction, a surveyor will be involved in every stage of the process. Having been on site from the planning stage, a surveyor may have carried out an initial topographical survey or underground utilities detection. This would have established the extent to which the site can be developed …

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3D laser scanning: capturing millions of data points in moments

3D laser scanning

3D laser scanning can also be used for heritage surveys and conservation surveys, as well as volumetric surveys, where land/material mass can be calculated to create a desired outcome – for example, providing accurate areas of volumes for cut/fill balancing, or creating a mound or depression in the land to suit your design needs. What …

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On top of it: discovering the benefits of topographical surveys

Why do you need a topographical survey? A topographical survey, often referred to as a topo, can be used for many reasons.  It enables our clients to understand the boundaries of their land, the different ground levels across the site and the constraints and opportunities within it, as well as the impact of neighbouring structures. …

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A measured approach – Measured Building Surveys

Types of Measured Building Survey A measured building survey provides a detailed and accurate depiction of existing buildings. This includes the external elevations – which show the full extent of the exterior of a building – as well as internal elevations and floorplans. Elevation drawings are made from a 3D point cloud, which are then …

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Could your project benefit from a desktop utility survey?

However, it is important to remember that a desktop search does not provide a full picture of what is actually present on site. In order to gain a better understanding of underground utilities without having to break ground, a level B underground utility detection survey can be carried out. If we can support you with …

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